For more than 15 years we have been producing building materials that are available not only to the local market but also to overseas buyers. Throughout our work we have accumulated a great deal of experience, developed a clear understanding of all the complexities that can arise and have developed effective ways to solve them.

During this time, we have acquired hundreds of grateful customers and partners. Thanks to the well-coordinated and honest work of our team, Gochdash has proven itself as a reliable and responsible partner over the years. Our team is a professional team and highly qualified specialists. Our main activity is the production and supply of building materials. Import / export is an interesting, but complex area.

Due to the constant changes in the country and the world, there are serious changes: new requirements for work and customs law, and this is a small fraction of the changes that have taken place. For the best efficiency, we find out the essence of the task with which the customer comes to us and offer a balanced, optimal solution and conduct a market research of the market of goods of interest to the customer. Thanks to our cooperation with companies such as test 1, test 2, test 3, our main competitive advantage and the priority area of ​​activity has been the sale of excellent quality goods. With the high mobility and flexibility of our company, we have been able to import and export.

The Gochdash enterprise was founded in 2005. Main activity: distribution of construction materials, both imported and local production.

Contact Us

Ahal province Ak Bugdaý district Önümçilik zolagy Altyn-Asyr Gündogar market sector A2 146 shop

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